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About Christine

Married my sweetheart while still in college and had our first baby while still in college! After graduation he taught high school Spanish for several years. I stayed home with my 2 babies realizing that our future financial goals were very limited in our current situation. I took charge of eliminating all expenses so we could buy a house and a bigger car. Cutting our grocery bill seemed the easiest way to save money. I learned to cook, researched prices, different recipes, and fed my family of 4 for only $25 a week for years.

Thatā€™s right, I only spent $100 a month to feed my growing family. When I had 4 young kids was still able to keep it at $200 a month for a long time. I recorded that process on YouTube early in 2016-2017.

Prices are a lot higher now BUT I am still able to feed my family of 6 for only $400 a month on average.

"My family of 2 spent a shocking $1,200 per month on groceries PLUS $600 on eating out. I shopped the sales but just couldn't get our spending down.

Christine's approach helped us to reduce our grocery spending to $800 in one month plus no more eating out! These days we average about $500 per month on groceries and $100 on takeout."

Ā - Chris

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